Student price for health services

Become a student member of Dr. Dropin and get more affordable prices for general practitioners, gynaecologists, dermatologists, psychologists, physiotherapists and chiropractors.

  • 15% discount on all services
  • NOK 50 in contingent
  • Short waiting time
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Book appointment

Bring your student ID

Important information

  • The fee of NOK 50 is paid at your first physical consultation.
  • Bring your student ID
Terms student membership

Our services

General Practicioner

Dr.Dropin can help you with a wide range of medical issues - the same issues a general practitioner or emergency room can help you with. Appointments are also offered over video.


Our skilled gynecologists can help with everything from cervical examination and abdominal pain, to fertility assessment and pregnancy control.

Physiotherapist, chiropractor and osteopath

We offer examination and treatment, regardless of the starting point. No referral and short waiting time.

Dermatology services

Dr. Dropin helps you with all skin disorders – no referral and short waiting time.


Get help from one of our skilled psychologists or psychiatrists. Choose between an appointment in the clinic, video or walking-therapy.