NIPT: Analyse av fosterets DNA

NIPT stands for Non Invasive Prenatal Test. This is a blood sample that analyzes the fetal DNA and can be taken from week 10. All Dr.Dropin gynecologists are certified to perform the NIPT test (FHI). The test is offered at Majorstuen, Hegdehagusveien, Ensjø, Grünerløkka.

Price: 7995,–. This includes ultrasound examination.

Book NIPT Oslo

How does NIPT work?

NIPT is a blood sample in the mother's arm that analyzes the fetus' DNA and examines whether the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities. The test can be taken as early as week 10 of pregnancy and is always done in combination with an ultrasound. This is done in combination with ultrasound to check how far into the pregnancy the mother has come.

The test is not invasive and therefore does not increase the risk of miscarriage, such as with a placenta test or amniocentesis test.

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Om prosedyren

What does NIPT check?

NIPT is approved in Norway for testing for Trisomies. Trisomies are a condition in which there is an extra chromosome, 3 instead of 2.

It is examined for:

  • trisomy 13 (Pataus syndrome)
  • trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
  • trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)

Note that Trisomy 21 is more common than the other two, but trisomy 13 and 18 are more severe.

What happens if you get to know that the fetus may have chromosomal abnormalities?

Then you will receive close follow-up. In the first instance, the gynecologist you visited will contact you and inform you about the way forward. Dr. Dropin further refers, if necessary, to an examination at the hospital for a placenta or amniocentesis.

How many days does it take to get an answer to NIPT?

It takes about 8-10 business days. We will contact you when the answer is ready.

Hva er lurt å tenke på før timen?

It is a simple test to perform, but the consequences of the answer you get should be thought through before taking the test. What if the result is not what you want?

Our gynecologists are also available if you need advice before booking an appointment for NIPT.

The pregnant woman can choose to bring a partner or another relative to the appointment

NIPT test

Before the appointment you must complete the NIPT school digitally. We recommend that the NIPT school is completed well in advance of the appointment. This is completely free and gives you information so you can make an informed choice.

Click here to get to the NIPT school.

How can Dr.Dropin help?

Dr.Dropin is approved by FHI as a requester of NIPT. At Dr.Dropin you can come to skilled gynecologists with long experience.

All Dr.Dropin's gynecologists can perform NIPT tests and approved by the Norwegian Directorate of Health

Price: 7995, -. This includes ultrasound examination.

If you have questions about NIPT, you can contact us at

Book NIPT Oslo
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