Diagnostic ultrasound with physiotherapist og chiropractor

Ultrasound is used as a tool in the examination for a more accurate picture of the condition of muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue and mucous sacs. A quick clarification and correct diagnosis will help the therapist to start with the right measures more effectively.

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What is ultrasound and what is it used for?

Ultrasound is an examination tool that uses sound waves and echoes to produce images of different tissues in the body. In combination with the scan, the therapist will always ask thoroughly about medical history and make a relevant clinical examination. Ultrasound is best suited for assessing damage to muscle, tendon or mucous sac, but can also in some cases give a good indication of the condition of the joint. The therapist will be able to compare with the healthy side and do scans later in the course of treatment to be able to measure progression and results.

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Ultrasound vs. MRI/CT/X-ray

Each form of imaging has its strengths and weaknesses. Some of the strengths of ultrasound are i.a. a higher detail specific image production than e.g. MRI and will be able to produce higher resolution images in superficial structures. It is also the only image examination that can be done with movement of joints and muscles while examining.
Ultrasound can not see through the skeleton, so if you want to assess the condition inside the joints or spine, it will be more appropriate with MRI. X-rays are often preferred in case of suspected fractures, but p.g.a. the high resolution of ultrasound, some fractures, especially stress fractures (fatigue fractures), can also be detected with ultrasound.
A big advantage of ultrasound is also the availability. Where MRI has a potential queue and waiting list, ultrasound can be done during the day.

Fin your clinic and therapist

Our physical team consists of skilled and committed therapists. We have solid expertise, clinical experience and Norwegian authorization, so you can trust that you get the help you need. You do not need a referral to book an appointment with us.

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Anders Knudsen

Physiotherapist and osteopath, Stavanger city center

Diagnostic ultrasound | Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection treatment

Anders Bjercke

Chiropractor, Økern

General Chiropractic | Back | Neck | Diagnostic ultrasound | Shock wave treatment

Lovisa Klingenberg

Chiropractor, Økern

General Chiropractic | Acute and prolonged dizziness | Prolonged pain | Diagnostic ultrasound

Fredrik Amlien

Physiotherapist, Ensjø

General Physiotherapy | Diagnostic ultrasound | Ultrasound guided injection treatment cortisone | Hand | Finger

Roar Busk

Physiotherapist, Bislett

Diagnostic ultrasound | Ultrasound guided injection treatment cortisone | Shock wave treatment

Joakim Halvorsen


Diagnostic ultrasound | Ultrasound guided injection treatment cortisone

Pål Østby

Physiotherapist, Sandvika

General Physiotherapy | Sports injuries | Rehabilitation | Diagnostic ultrasound

Sigurd Stubberud

Chiropractor, Sandvika

General Chiropractic | Back | Neck | Diagnostic ultrasound

Is ultrasound dangerous/harmful?

Unlike X-rays and CT which use radiation, ultrasound uses only sound waves. These are the same ones that examine the fetus when you are pregnant and are completely harmless and without side effects.

Ultrasound-guided injection treatment

With us, all injections are guided by ultrasound.

We offer cortisone.

A thorough clinical examination is always carried out before choosing a treatment. In the vast majority of cases, other treatment should be tried before injection is considered.

Read more here.

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