Polycystic ovariesyndrom (PCOS)

Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment

More than 10% of women live with gynaecological diseases that lead to unnecessary suffering, frustration and insecurity. Endometriosis and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) are among two of the diseases that are underdiagnosed. But what exactly are the symptoms and how to treat these gynecological diseases?

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What is PCOS?

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is a syndrome that is the most common cause of hormonal imbalance for women.

One of the most common symptoms of PCOS is a higher level of male sex hormones (androgens), which in turn can lead to increased hair growth and acne. Other symptoms can be irregular menstruation and ovulation, and small cysts on the ovaries. In a normal woman, we see anywhere from 5-15 cysts, while PCOS patients can have more than 20 cysts.

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How is PCOS diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made on the basis that you have at least two out of three symptoms:

  • Larger ovaries with 20 or more small ovaries in one ovary on ultrasound examination
  • Irregular menstruation and ovulation
  • Too high testosterone levels, hair growth, impure skin and pimples
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Causes and research on PCOS

The cause of PCOS is unknown and there is a great need for more research in the field. Inheritance, environment and lifestyle are related to the development of the syndrome and how severe the symptoms are. The condition develops in late puberty and through the fertile age until menopause.

The syndrome leads to hormonal imbalance with the production of too much testosterone and can lead to diabetes, obesity, abnormal hair growth, impure skin and pimples and the challenges of getting pregnant in a normal way.

Dr. Dropin's own gynecologist Azita Mahmoudan is writing a PhD on PCOS. Our former gynecologist Jan Mellembakken is a professor, senior physician and researcher from Rikshospitalet, one of Norway's leading experts in fertility, IVF and PCOS.

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Watch Jan Mellembakken and Iselin Guttormsen talk about why there is not more research into women's diseases here:

Why is there not more research on women's health?
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Treatment for PCOS

There is treatment for PCOS, but the syndrome itself can not be cured. Many people experience a good effect of treatment. The most important treatment is weight loss, which in itself will lead to an improvement in hormone levels (lower insulin and testosterone levels) and stabilization of menstruation and thus ovulation. 5% weight reduction can give a 20% higher chance of getting pregnant.

The menstrual cycle can be stabilized with the help of birth control pills and will work by reducing male sex hormones. Laser treatment can remove unwanted hair growth. In vitro fertilization or medication that stimulates ovulation can help those who are involuntarily childless.

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What health problems can PCOS cause?

Hear our gynecologist Azita explain.

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Assessment by a doctor

The doctor will first go through the medical history and look for characteristic features. This often gives rise to suspicion, which means that you proceed with examinations and a gynecological examination. The small cysts on the ovaries can be produced using ultrasound, but not in everyone. Blood tests can reveal abnormal hormone levels and provide a picture of, among other things, cholesterol and sugar metabolism in the body.

The examinations can also clarify whether there are other causes for the symptom picture. The prognosis depends on how pronounced the condition is and whether you receive the right treatment to control hormone levels, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.

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How can we at Dr.Dropin help you?

The doctors at Dr.Dropin have a good knowledge of women's health and can assist in both the investigation and treatment of PCOS: all our doctors receive regular lectures on women's health and gynecology from experienced specialists in the field.

Our own gynaecologist, Azita Mahmoudan, is a specialist in fertility and is writing a PhD on PCOS. Endometriosis is also one of her core areas.

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Do not hesitate to get in touch

Do you have more questions about PCOS or other women's diseases? Contact us or, and we will help you as best we can.

You can also book an appointment directly with our general practitioners, gynecologists and dermatologists. We put women's health first and want to meet our patients with consideration and high professional competence.

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What is PCOS?

PCOS is a hormonal condition that affects women of childbearing age. It is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, elevated androgen levels (male sex hormones) and ovarian cysts.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Common symptoms include irregular periods, acne, obesity, increased facial and body hair growth, hair loss on the head, infertility and fatigue.

How is PCOS diagnosed?

PCOS is diagnosed through a combination of medical history, clinical examination and blood tests to measure hormone levels. Ultrasound of the ovaries may also be relevant.

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What is the cause of PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Insulin resistance and obesity are often associated with PCOS.

How is PCOS treated?

The treatment of PCOS depends on the symptoms and whether the woman wants to become pregnant. Lifestyle changes, such as weight reduction and increased physical activity, are often the first choice. Medicines may also be appropriate to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce androgen levels and improve fertility.

Can PCOS affect fertility?

Yes, PCOS is a common cause of infertility in women. Irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation can make it difficult to get pregnant. But luckily there is good help to get.

Our gynecologist Azita is writing a doctorate on PCOS and assists many women with PCOS and desire for children. See available hours at Azita here

Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?

Yes, many women with PCOS get pregnant, either naturally or with the help of fertility treatment.

Can PCOS increase the risk of other health problems?

Yes, PCOS can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and sleep apnea.

Can Dr. Dropin help me with PCOS?

Yes, Dr. Dropin offers assessment, treatment and follow-up of PCOS. Our experienced doctors and gynecologists can help you manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.

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What should I do if I suspect I have PCOS?

If you experience symptoms of PCOS, you should contact your doctor or gynecologist for an assessment.

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