Unwanted or problematic hair growth

There are many different reasons why hair can be unwanted or problematic. For some people, hair growth can be bothersome for various reasons. This can be due to increased hair growth as a result of PCOS, for example. In other cases, hair growth can cause recurring inflammations that are uncomfortable and painful, such as folliculitis.

Causes of unwanted hair growth


If someone experiences abnormally increased hair growth in the armpits and genital area, it is called hirsutism. This can have several underlying causes. In half of the cases, there is no identifiable cause (idiopathic hirsutism). Often, it is genetically determined or occurs in specific ethnic groups.


The second most common cause of hirsutism is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This is a condition characterized by changes in the ovaries that disrupt the normal hormonal balance. The condition typically starts in the age group of 15-25 years and can affect two to six per cent of women of reproductive age.


Folliculitis is the medical term for hair follicle inflammation. In most cases, this presents as a localized problem, but some patients experience recurrent, widespread, and symptomatic folliculitis. The condition can occur due to factors such as infection, friction, and irritation. Treatment targets the underlying cause.

Hidradenitis (Hidradenitis Suppurativa)

Hidradenitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles in areas of the body with sweat glands, most commonly in the armpits or groin. Learn more about it here.


Det finnes mange ulike måter å fjerne hår på. Tradisjonelt sett har det vært vanlig å gjøre det ved hjelp av ulike former for barbering, napping, voksing eller bruk av hårfjerningskremer. Ulempen med disse metodene er at hårene vokser ut igjen etter kort tid, og prosessen må derfor gjentas ofte. I tillegg vil flere av de nevnte metodene kunne oppleves som smertefulle og/eller skape hudirritasjoner. For mer permanent fjerning, kan laser være et godt alternativ.

How Dr.Dropin can help you

Dr.Dropin has invested in one of the market's leading lasers for hair removal, which will provide a more long-lasting effect. Complete permanent results cannot be guaranteed, but annual maintenance treatments can prevent new hair growth.

Laser treatment is relatively painless and has few side effects. The treatment involves gradually heating the pigment in the hair follicles with the laser, destroying the hair roots and inhibiting the growth of new hair. The number of treatments required to achieve the desired results will vary from person to person, but it is typically recommended to undergo 3-10 treatments with a gap of 6-10 weeks between each treatment.

Read more about our hair removal laser
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