
All women have the right to follow-up when they are pregnant, and the aim is to ensure that you and your child have the best possible situation. Many women find that more checks during pregnancy contribute to extra security.

Our gynecologists can help you with guidance and good advice, and can assist with everything from early ultrasound to pregnancy follow-up.

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Pregnancy check

All pregnant women have the right to free follow-up with a midwife and/or GP. If you find that the waiting time is long or want an alternative to the GP, you can come to our skilled general practitioners or gynecologists for a pregnancy check.

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NIPT is a blood test from the mother, which is used to map the fetus's DNA and examine whether it has chromosomal abnormalities. The test can be taken from week 10 of the pregnancy, and is always done in combination with an ultrasound to check how far along the mother has progressed in the pregnancy.

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2D and 3D ultrasound

As part of the pregnancy follow-up, all pregnant women are offered an ultrasound from week 12 in the public health system. Many women also want an early ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy – this is service is available through private providers from week 6.

Between weeks 24 and 32, we can also offer a 3D ultrasound to get a clearer picture of the baby in the womb.

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Skin changes

When you are pregnant, your body goes through many changes. These affect, among other things, the muscles and skeleton, the uterus and pelvis, as well as breathing and temperature regulation.

Your skin is also affected during pregnancy, and some changes can feel quite big. Fortunately, most go away on their own after the baby arrives.

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Pain in the pelvic joint

Approximately one in five pregnant women gets pelvic joint pain in Norway every year. The pain can come both early and late in pregnancy, and can make the pregnancy both painful and prevent you from doing the activities you want.

Good and correct treatment will be able to help you have a better pregnancy and avoid lasting pain.

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If you have a positive pregnancy test, but do not want to keep the child, in Norway you have the right to self-determined abortion until the end of week 12. If you are over 16 years old, you can call the hospital of your choice directly to make an appointment for an abortion - without referral from a doctor or public health nurse.

Abortion is free to perform in hospital, and there are also free offers for guidance if you are unsure.

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