Gjensidige specialist-insurance

Dr. Dropin is part of Gjensidige's treatment network. With Gjensidige treatment insurance, you get health care from Dr. Dropin's medical specialists.

  • Gynaecologist, dermatologist and plastic surgeon
  • Clinic or over video
  • Post-processing and follow-up
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This is how you get an appointment with "behandlings" insurance

  • Your doctor sends a referral to Gjensidige
  • The case manager at Gjensidige sends the order to Dr. Dropin
  • Dr. Dropin Customer Service contact you to arrange an appointment with a medical specialist and provide you with the necessary information
  • Confirmation of the appointment will be sent via SMS
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Dr. Dropin Medical specialists


Get examination and treatment from our gynecologists. They can, among other things, help you with the following:


You will receive an examination and treatment from our dermatologists. They can, among other things, help you with the following:

Medical plastic surgery

You will receive examination and treatment from our surgeons. They can, among other things, help you with the following:

Medical telephone

For questions about physical or mental health, call Dr.Dropin Medical Phone.