Gjensidige specialist-insurance
Dr. Dropin is part of Gjensidige's treatment network. With Gjensidige treatment insurance, you get health care from Dr. Dropin's medical specialists.
- Short waiting time
- Experienced specialists
- Oslo, Sandvika, Lillestrøm, Bergen and Stavanger

To book an appointment with a sepcialist

See a GP
See your GP or Dr.Dropin General Practitioner to get a referral to a medical specialist

Send referral
Report your need and upload your referral at Gjensidige

Arrange an appointment.
The case manager at Gjensidige sends the order to Dr. Dropin according to the referral

Receive SMS
You will receive an SMS with order confirmation. With this you can cancel the lesson if necessary
Dr. Dropin Medical specialists
Get examination and treatment from our gynecologists. They can, among other things, help you with the following:
You will receive an examination and treatment from our dermatologists. They can, among other things, help you with the following:
Ear-nose-throat doctor
You will receive examination and treatment from our ear-nose-throat doctors. They can, among other things, help you with the following:
Medical plastic surgery
You will receive examination and treatment from our surgeons. They can, among other things, help you with the following:
You will receive an examination and treatment from our ophthalmologists. They can, among other things, help you with the following:
Vascular surgury
You will receive examination and treatment from our surgeons. They can, among other things, help you with the following:
Medical telephone
If you have questions about your appointment, or want to change your appointment, you can call us on 24 07 70 12 Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 15:00 (closed between 11:30 and 12:30). You can also contact us at hei@drdropin.no 7 days a week.