Contact dermatitis

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. Contact dermatitis is a type of eczema that is caused by contact with something that causes irritation or an allergic reaction.

Contact dermatitis may improve or resolve completely if the irritant or allergen is identified and removed.

Treatment may be available to help ease symptoms of contact dermatitis - speak to a health professional for more information.

What is contact dermatitis and why does it occur?

Contact dermatitis manifests as a red area that often itches or stings. Blisters and skin sores may also develop. Most commonly, contact dermatitis occurs on the hands, but it can also occur in other areas of the body. Approximately 5% of the population experiences episodes of contact dermatitis during their lifetime.

There are two types of contact dermatitis: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.

Allergic contact dermatitis is a delayed type of hypersensitivity, and symptoms appear 24 to 72 hours after exposure to the allergen. This type of dermatitis is often well-defined and improves within a few days.

In irritant contact dermatitis, the rash can appear anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after exposure to the irritating substance. If it is a mild irritation, the reaction may not become evident until days or weeks after the exposure. This form of dermatitis is typically less well-defined, and it can take several weeks to improve.

The triggering factors for contact dermatitis can vary widely. Some examples include nickel, cobalt, and chromium, rubber chemicals, perfumes, and plants. The toxic variant is often related to occupational exposure and can be triggered by various chemicals and liquids.


An allergen can be just about anything. For some people, it is pollen from grass, shrubs or trees. For others, it is dandruff from dogs and cats. Another common example is nickel which one comes in contact with through rings, earrings or belt buckles.

How to treat contact dermatitis?

First and foremost, you should try to identify what caused the problem and avoid contact with it.

A dermatologist can prescribe corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors to control the irritation. Sometimes, irritations have a tendency to amplify themselves and need to be stopped. A dermatologist can also conduct an allergy test if an allergy is suspected. Read more about allergy tests here.

After the irritation is under control, it's time to take good care of your skin. Keep it clean and dry, but avoid excessive washing or drying it out. This can make it more susceptible to further irritation.


If the rash is caused by irritation and you have stopped being in contact with the cause of the irritation, it will pass. The time it takes depends on what the irritant was, how severe your skin reacted to this and how good the body's healing mechanisms are.

If it is the type that is caused by allergies, the prognosis is much the same only that you now know you have an allergy you need to be aware of.

See how Dr. Dropin can help you

At Dr.Dropin, you can consult experienced dermatologists who can diagnose and treat all skin conditions. Dr.Dropin is committed to providing high-quality dermatology services at a fixed and predictable price, with short waiting times.

For consultations and treatment of eczema, you have the option to use image consultations, video consultations, or visit the clinic in person.

Book an appointment with a dermatologist now.
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