Breast feeding

Almost all mothers in Norway start breastfeeding, but less than half breastfeed as long and as often as the health authorities recommend. Unfortunately, many mothers experience breastfeeding problems that could often have been prevented or solved with knowledge-based breastfeeding guidance. It is important to seek help early if you experience difficulties.

Our GPs can provide advice and guidance related to breastfeeding and breast infections on video

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In the clinic, general practitioners can investigate, diagnose and treat breast-related diseases.

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Mastitis is a painful condition that can occur when the milk ducts become blocked, usually as a result of bacterial infection.

Symptoms include redness, warmth and swelling of the chest, as well as fever and general malaise.

Our doctors can diagnose breast inflammation and prescribe the appropriate treatment, which usually includes antibiotics and pain medications. In addition to medical treatment, our doctors can advise on self-care measures to relieve pain and speed up the healing process.

In the clinic, we have the option of sampling and examination.

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On video, the doctor can give advice and guidance.

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sanity imagesanity image Online resource for breastfeeding offers free advice and support to mothers via phone, e-mail and chat. The counselors can provide personal guidance and advice on breastfeeding techniques, problem solving and other related questions. This service is available to mothers across the country and offers a safe and confidential platform to discuss any concerns or challenges related to breastfeeding.

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