
Allergy – symptoms and treatment

Allergy is a condition caused by an overactive immune system in which the body reacts in an abnormal way to substances from the external environment. There can be many different substances you can be allergic to, including pollen, gluten, and dog/cat hair. Typical signs of allergy can be, for example, watery eyes, itchy nose, rash, fatigue, and/or difficulty concentrating.

The general practitioners at Dr.Dropin are experienced in counselling and treatment of various forms of allergy. You can easily get a prescription for allergy through a digital form, video, or in a clinic.

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Symptoms and signs of pollen allergy

Hay fever is often seen as a relatively insignificant disease, but the symptoms can be tiring and have a negative effect on the general condition. Pollen allergy is very common and occurs in 1 in 5 Norwegians.
Typical symptoms may include:

  • Nasal congestion and sneezing
  • Itching in the eyes
  • Itching in the throat
  • Fatigue
  • Problems with night sleep

Taken together, a combination of these symptoms can possibly affect performance in everyday life at work and/or school.

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Treatment - pollen allergy

At Dr.Dropin, we take your allergy problems seriously. There are several effective treatments, and allergies are treated a little differently depending on what you are allergic to and what kind of ailments each person has. Whether you know exactly what you want from medicine or need a recommendation from your doctor, we will help you.

If you are allergic to pollen, try local treatment first, with nasal spray and eye drops. It is also possible to take symptom-relieving allergy pills such as Zyrtec. If you do not experience sufficient control of your allergy with local treatment or pills, allergy vaccination can be a good alternative. Especially for those with allergies to grass and birch where the vaccine is also available in tablet form.

NB! Similar to the Norwegian health authorities' guidelines, Dr. Dropin has also moved away from cortisone injections against allergies, due to local side effects.

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Dr.Dropin can help you with allergy problems

If you have allergy symptoms and want a tailor-made treatment, we can help you in various ways.

Appointment in clinicVideo appointmentOnline prescription

The GPs at Dr.Dropin can help you with the prescription of most common prescriptions, but they will always make an individual assessment based on your symptoms and other regular medications you are using.

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What is allergy and what causes it?

An allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to normally harmless substances in the environment, known as allergens. These allergens can be pollen, dust, animal hair, foods or other substances.

What are the most common allergies in Norway?

The most common allergies in Norway include pollen allergy (hay fever), dust allergy, animal allergy, food allergy (e.g. to nuts, milk or eggs), and insect sting allergy.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

Symptoms of allergies vary depending on the allergen and individual factors, but they can include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, rash, itching or swelling.

How are allergies diagnosed?

Allergies can be diagnosed using allergy tests, such as skin tests or blood tests, which identify specific allergens that trigger a reaction.

Can allergies be treated?

Yes, allergies can be treated in various ways, including medications such as antihistamines, nasal sprays or eye drops, allergen immunotherapy (allergy vaccination), and by avoiding the allergen as much as possible.

What is the difference between allergy and intolerance?

Allergy involves an immune response to an allergen, while intolerance is usually due to the inability to digest certain foods or substances, and does not involve the immune system.

Can allergies develop during life?

Yes, it is possible to develop allergies during life, although they often begin in childhood and may persist or change over time.

How can I reduce my allergy symptoms?

You can reduce the allergy symptoms by avoiding the allergen as much as possible, using allergy medicines as prescribed by a doctor, using allergy protection measures such as allergen proofing the home, and by following the advice of healthcare professionals.

Is there a cure for allergies?

Det er ingen kur for allergier, men symptomer kan kontrolleres effektivt med riktig behandling og forebyggende tiltak.

How can I find out if I have an allergy?

If you suspect you have an allergy, you should make an appointment with your GP for a thorough evaluation and any necessary tests to determine the allergen and develop a treatment plan.

Author: Dr. Anne Marte Ladim
Last updated: 16.04.2024