
Test, rapid tests, and blood tests

We can take the most rapid tests and blood tests. We can also perform genital tests, test urine and feces. Which samples are taken will depend on what symptoms you have. The doctor will evaluate this during your visit with us. Read more about some of the tests we take and why we take them below. Remember that you can always contact us if there is a specific sample you want to take, so we can answer you if this is something we have the opportunity to test.

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More about rapid tests and other tests

Some of the quick tests and tests include:

CRP - rapid test
CRP is a protein that the body produces when we have an inflammation. This can come from bacterial or viral infections but also known as autoimmune diseases, wounds, and cuts. Therefore, we measure the amount of CRP in the blood to find out more about what can go wrong with the patient. CRP is often elevated to a greater extent in bacterial infections. Thus, CRP can often be used to examine whether pneumonia, for example, is caused by bacteria or a virus. The disadvantage of the CRP test is that the body spends time producing this protein and therefore the CRP test can show levels that are delayed in relation to how the patient actually feels. The CRP level shows how the body felt up to 48 hours ago, and not here and now. This is important to be aware of. Normal values ​​in healthy individuals are below 5mg / l.

Hemoglobin - rapid test
Hemoglobin levels indicate the hemoglobin concentration in the blood. Hemoglobin is the part of our red blood cells that carries oxygen. Low hemoglobin concentrations can therefore be caused by both low levels of red blood cells or hemoglobin. The value will in any case say something about the degree to which the body's cells receive a normal amount of oxygen. Hemoglobin is taken at almost all general visits to a doctor, and/or when anemia is suspected, among other things. Normal values ​​for women over 14 are 11.7-15.3 and for men over 14, they are 13.4-17.

Streptococcal rapid test
A streptococcal rapid test mainly measures group A streptococci. Streptococcus is a bacterium and therefore we test this to be able to see if you need antibiotic treatment. This is given in moderate to severe cases. Usually, we also take other tests to be sure, as one can have this type of bacteria without being sick as well.

Covid test

We test U-stix, for example, if there is a suspicion of a urinary tract infection. U-stix can detect if there are bacteria, blood, or sugar in the urine that will tell us something about your disease picture.

Stool sample
The doctor assesses the need to take a stool test. It may be due to a change in the stool's consistency, color, or frequency which in turn may be due to stomach viruses, parasites, allergies, or intolerance. A stool test may also be necessary as part of the assessment of abdominal pain or changed toilet habits. You get equipment at home to take a sample at home, which is later delivered to the clinic or in a pre-stamped envelope that can be put in a regular mailbox.

Blood tests

We also take blood samples for submission to our general practitioners' clinics. The doctor takes the blood sample and picks them up in our clinics daily to deliver them to the laboratory for analysis. At the medical specialists, an electronic referral will go to Fürst to perform the actual blood test at one of their stations centrally located in the big cities. You can also choose to bring the blood sample requisition yourself to take the blood sample at a hospital or at your own doctor.

You will receive the results of the blood tests regardless of whether there are deviations or completely normal answers. If you need an assessment at a hospital, specialist, or X-ray examination, we will refer you at no extra cost.

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Dr. Dropin does not offer follow-up of treatment that is outside established guidelines and recommendations. This means, for example, that we do not take blood samples in connection with the intake of performance-enhancing drugs such as testosterone or other anabolic steroids.

All our patients receive answers to the examinations we do with comments from the doctor if relevant. Of course, you will also get the results if they are completely normal.

Author: Lege Anne Marte Ladim
Last updated: 22.06.2022