Hip and thigh

Pain and other symptoms related to the hip and thigh can be caused by various conditions. Issues in this area include hip osteoarthritis, muscle strains, and tendonitis, among others. Here, you can read more about different diagnoses, gain insight into their causes, and learn what can be done to alleviate and manage these issues.

Hip osteoarthritis

Hip osteoarthritis is a condition where the cartilage in the hip joint gradually breaks down, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Pain is typically felt in and around the hip, including the groin, thigh, and sometimes the knees. Explore further to learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for hip osteoarthritis.

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Snapping hip

Snapping hip is a condition characterized by a snapping sensation or audible pop in the hip joint during certain movements. This phenomenon is often caused by the movement of muscles or tendons over bony structures in the hip. While snapping hip is not necessarily painful, it can sometimes be accompanied by discomfort. Read on to explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for snapping hip.

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Leg length discrepancy and back pain

Leg length discrepancy is quite common in the population, but in some cases, it can lead to issues such as lower back pain. Read more about leg length discrepancy here.

Read more about hip osteoarthritis
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