
Tinnitus - Causes, assessment and treatment (2022)

Tinnitus, also called tinnitus, is a wheezing sound in the ear without the person being exposed to sounds that may induce wheezing. This can be very troublesome and not least tiring. It can also lead to difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, depression, irritation and anxiety.
You hear noise or sounds that are often described as hissing, humming, whistling. It can occur in one or both ears, last for a long period of time or pass quickly on its own.

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Causes and assessment

Our doctors can help you find the cause of tinnitus, and take an examination of your ear with an otoscope. Tinnitus is not a disease but can be a sign of injury or illness. Common causes can be

  • Stress
  • Disease and damage to all parts of the outer and inner ear
  • Injury to head or neck
  • Normal aging process
  • Hearing loss
  • Tense muscles

The sounds come exclusively from your own nervous system. One theory about why it occurs is that the brain tries to compensate for the lack of sound impressions, and turns up the senses, thus comes the beeping. This can make sense along with the fact that many people experience tinnitus after attending a concert with a loud sound. When the sound disappears, tinnitus can occur.

Health Norway encourages you to contact a doctor if you get acute tinnitus combined with hearing loss on one side, become dizzy, get headaches, pain or fluid flowing from the ear.


Doctor's appointment and referral

If earwax is the cause of tinnitus, we can remove it with an ear rinse. You will also receive guidance on sleep disorders if you have this. If necessary, we refer for further examination by an ear-nose-throat doctor. Here you will be examined whether you need aids or guidance. It is examined, for example, whether you need a hearing aid, as tinnitus can occur with untreated hearing loss. Referrals are included in the price.

There are also group mastery courses where you can get thorough information.

If the cause is medical this is treated first. If the ailments are very bothersome, these can also be treated in parallel.

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If your ailments are related to muscle tension, a physiotherapist can be of great help. With our physiotherapists, we offer fixed price and short waiting time.

You do not need a referral to book an appointment and if you have health insurance, this can cover the costs.

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Author: GP Anne Marte Ladim
Last updated: 08.07.2022