Helsehjelp 24/7

With Health care 24/7 from Gjensidige, you and your family get free use of a video consultation with a doctor and access to a psychologist from Dr. Dropin.*

*Requires qualifying insurances.

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How it works

Download Dr.Dropin app

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Get it on Google Play

Legg til avtalen

Add the agreement "Gjensidige Helsehjelp 24/7" in "Forsikring and rabattkode".

Book an appointment

Book a video consultation. The doctor will call you when the appointments starts. Keep the app open and turn off focus-mode.

This is what a video doctor can help you with

Through video consultation, we can give you advice and guidance on diseases and ailments. You will meet skilled general practitioners who will assist you with much of what you can get help with in a regular doctor's appointment.

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Appointment in clinic

If your condition requires physical examination or laboratory testing, your doctor will advise you to visit one of our clinics. With Helsehjelp 24/7 you have 15% discount for a physical appointment. The appointment is ordered and paid for in the Dr.Dropin app.

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How to book

1. Download the Dr.Dropin app today, and you'll have it ready when you need to book an appointment.
2. Select "Forsikring og rabattkode".
3. Select "Legg til avtale" and then "Gjensidige" and "Helsehjelp 24/7".
4. Fill in the e-mail and address and select "Legg til avtale".
5. Select General Practitioner, and complete the booking.

You only need to enter the agreement the first time you use the app. Next time, go straight to step 5.

Download the 'Dr.Dropin' app to book a video consultation:

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
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Video consultation with psychologist and physiotherapist through Helsehjelp 24/7

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