Helsehjelp 24/7

With Helsehjelp 24/7, you and your family get access to preventive talks with an online psychologist*

The conversation lasts 25 minutes and is suitable for everyday problems - there is no substitute for a consultation and course of treatment with a psychologist. The service is open every day, with short waiting times.
(* requires qualifying products.)

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A psychologist can help you with this in 25 minutes

  • Be a conversational partner when you need to talk to someone
  • Give advice and input on how you can handle your everyday challenge
  • Help you express you problems
  • Provide information about other help services available both publicly and privately

The aim of the conversation is for you to get enough help to manage your everyday challenges on your own. Because we are talking about everyday challenges, a limit has been set on one conversation per issue.

Examples of what you can talk about:

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💭 Performance anxiety?

💭 Difficulties at work?

💭 Stressed?

💭 Difficulty sleeping?

💭 Difficult to sort your thoughts?

💭 Love grief?

💭 Wondering about route choices?

💭 Fear of flying?

Guidelines for the offer

  • Who the offer applies to: You and your family, *provided that you have qualifying insurance
  • Scope: 1 conversation per issue
  • Duration of the call: 25 minutes

Proceed like this

  • 1. Download the Dr.Dropin app
  • 2. Click on «Insurance and discount code»
  • 3. Log in with BankID
  • 4. Add appointment
  • 5. Click on «Nordea»
  • 7. Then the discount code is entered and you can now book an appointment
  • 8. Go back to the first picture and click on Allmennlege/ general practitioner or psykolog/ psychologist
  • 10. When you need to confirm the booking you will see that your class is free
  • 11. Confirm orders
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How to proceed

Download the app

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Book appointment

The psychologist will call you when the appointment starts. You will receive a reminder via SMS. Keep the Dr.Dropin app open

The psychologist can call you

The psychologist will call you when the appointments starts. You will receive a reminder via SMS. Keep the Dr.Dropin app open and turn off focus mode on your mobile.

Dette er et dropin-tilbud som skal forebygge og lindre, ikke erstatte behandling for utfordringer som man bør jobbe med over tid sammen med en psykolog. Dersom dette ikke er riktig tilbud for deg, vil vi forsøke å orientere om andre aktuelle tilbud.

An available offer with a short waiting time is not the same as an emergency offer.

This is meant to be a low-threshold offer where you can quickly get help with everyday problems.

If you are thinking of taking your own life, call 113.

If you need to talk to someone immediately, you can contact Mental Health's helpline on 116 123.

Remember that there are many who can and will help you. At Helsenorge.no you can read more about where you can get help if you have suicidal thoughts or are worried about someone you love.

Free use of video consultation with a general practitioner

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