
Chlamydia - symptoms, examination, testing, test results and complications

Chlamydia is an infection caused by the sexually transmitted bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection is a sexually transmitted disease. It can also be transmitted directly from fingers or objects. It is the most common bacterial venereal disease among young people in Norway, where it is estimated that around 3-6% of all young men and women under the age of 25 have the infection. The bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis primarily attacks the lining of the urethra and cervical canal, but can also cause infection anal and in the mouth. From the time you become infected until it is possible to detect the infection, it takes about 5-14 days.

If you have had unprotected sex or are aware of symptoms, it is recommended that you get tested. In addition to tests in the clinic, we now offer home delivery of tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea for NOK 350,–

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Symptoms for women and men

There are often weak or no symptoms of the infection for a long time, and the bacterium can be present on the mucous membranes for several months to years before it gives symptoms. Both men and women can be infected with chlamydia, women more often experience no symptoms of the infection than men.

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  • Increased discharge from the vagina
  • Pain or discomfort from the abdomen
  • Minor bleeding after intercourse
  • Bleeding between two periods
  • Burning, pain or discomfort when urinating
  • Discharge from the urethra may be glossy or white
  • Abdominal pain and fever


  • Slight discharge from the penis may be shiny or white, often no discharge
  • Burning, pain or discomfort when urinating
  • Burning and itching from the urethra

When should I get tested for chlamydia?

As the infection can be present for a long time without giving symptoms, it is recommended that everyone under the age of 25 be tested for a change of partner, at the earliest 14 days after.

Others who should be tested are pregnant women, those with symptoms, men who have sex with men, women before the insertion of an IUD, and those who have been in contact with someone with a known infection.

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"Why is it so important to use a condom?" with Iselin Guttormsen

Iselin Guttormsen talks freely and openly about women's health and sexuality through her own channels, and works to change attitudes towards the female body. In collaboration with Iselin Guttormsen, we want to get more people to use condoms when having sex with a new partner and test themselves between sex partners.

Daniel Sørli, medical director at Dr. Dropin, visited Iselin Guttormsen and discussed the topic. See the full video from the visit in the link below.


For women, it is desirable to have a sample from the vagina, either as a self-test that you can take yourself discreetly in the toilet or that the doctor takes the sample at a gynaecological examination. The sample is taken by a cotton swab that is passed along the vaginal wall. A urine sample from women is not required.

For men, it is desirable to have a urine sample sent to the laboratory for examination. Only a small amount from the first jet (10-15 ml) in the bottom of the urine sample tube is enough.

In the case of unprotected anal intercourse, a sample is taken with a cotton swab from the anal opening, and in the case of oral intercourse, a cotton swab is taken in the throat.

In addition to testing in the clinic, we now also offer a home test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

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Test results

It can take up to a week before you get an answer to the test, but sometimes it takes less time. You will then receive an answer as to whether the test was positive (= chlamydia infection detected) or negative (= no chlamydia infection detected).

At Dr. Dropin, your doctor will contact you anyway and inform you of answers. If your test is positive, you will be informed that you need treatment, and that the person or persons you have had intercourse with must also be informed so that they can be tested and possibly also receive treatment.

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Chlamydia infection is treated with a course of antibiotics for 7 days. It is important that you take the entire course, even if you feel better after a few days, as there is a risk that the infection will flare up again if you do not complete the course and that the bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic (do not respond to treatment).

The treatment of a chlamydia infection is free, so you will get the antibiotic on a blue prescription.

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Chlamydia infection is usually not dangerous, but if you go with it untreated, it can cause complications.

In women, the infection can spread to the pelvis and cause pelvic infection (inflammation of the abdomen), and then there is a risk of scar tissue forming in the fallopian tubes which can lead to ectopic pregnancy and infertility (infertility). If the woman is pregnant, there is an increased risk of miscarriage, premature ejaculation and premature birth. The infection can also be transmitted to the baby during birth and cause the child cataracts or pneumonia (rare).

In men, the infection can spread to the epididymis and cause infection there, this typically causes one-sided, severe pain. The infection can also spread to the prostate and cause infection here.

You can get complications even if you have not had any symptoms.

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How can Dr. Dropin help you?

The doctors at Dr. Dropin have good experience with sexually transmitted diseases and receive patients with this every day. Your doctor will ask you questions, examine you and take the relevant samples as described above, and contact you when the answer to the test is available - regardless of whether there is a proven chlamydia infection or not. When ordering a home test, you will also receive good follow-ups and answers from the doctor with your test results in Pasientsky. In the event of a positive test, you will also be called and receive information about the further process.

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I have had chlamydia infection before, can I get it again or am I immune?

Unfortunately, you are not immune after having a chlamydia infection in the past. This is an infection you can get several times, and it is therefore important to check if you are at risk of infection (see section on "Who should be tested" above).

Is there a vaccine against chlamydia?

No, unfortunately it does not. Use a condom and test yourself when changing partners.

What can happen if I have chlamydia without noticing it?

You can have the infection for a long time without noticing it, and this can lead to complications as described in the section "Complications", in the worst case lead to serious infection and sterility. You can then also spread the infection further if you have unprotected intercourse.

My partner has been diagnosed with chlamydia, do I also need to be tested or can I receive treatment without a test?

It is not certain that you have been infected even if your partner has chlamydia, about 1 in 5 is assumed to be infected during sexual intercourse with someone who has known the infection. It is therefore recommended that you also get tested (at the earliest 14 days after the possible time of infection) so that you only receive treatment if you need it.

How can I protect myself from chlamydia?

The safest way is to use a condom when having sex with a new partner. If you have had unprotected intercourse and are anxious about infection, it is advisable to test yourself no earlier than 14 days after the possible time of infection. In this way, a possible infection is detected early before complications develop.

How do you know you have chlamydia?

Chlamydia can be asymptomatic in many people, but common symptoms include painful urination, discharge from the urethra or vagina, as well as pain in the lower abdomen. Testing is the surest way to know if you have chlamydia.

Can you have chlamydia without noticing it?

Yes, it is possible to have chlamydia without noticing symptoms. Many people with chlamydia experience no symptoms, which makes testing important, especially for those who are sexually active.

Can you get sores from chlamydia?

Chlamydia usually does not cause ulcers. It is more likely to cause symptoms such as painful urination, abnormal discharge and abdominal pain.

Is chlamydia common in Norway?

Yes, chlamydia is relatively common in Norway. Several thousand cases of chlamydia infection are registered annually, and the incidence has been increasing in recent years. It is therefore important to be aware of the risks and take the necessary precautions, including regular testing for sexually transmitted infections.

What is the chance of getting infected with chlamydia?

The likelihood of getting infected with chlamydia depends on several factors, including sexual behavior, use of contraception and hygiene practices. The risk increases with unprotected sex and multiple sexual partners.

What does chlamydia do to the body?

Chlamydia causes infection in the urinary tract and can also affect the genitals and in some cases other parts of the body. Untreated chlamydial infection can lead to serious complications such as pelvic infections, infertility, and an increased risk of pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy. In men it can lead to inflammation of the epididymis, and in women it can lead to inflammation of the fallopian tubes and uterus.

Does chlamydia make you nauseous?

Nausea is not a common symptom of chlamydia. Typical symptoms include painful urination, abnormal discharge, and pain in the lower abdomen. However, chlamydia infection can cause general flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue and body aches in some individuals. If you experience nausea or other unusual symptoms, it is important to contact a healthcare professional for advice and testing.

How long can you go with untreated chlamydia?

Untreated chlamydia infection can persist in the body for months or even years without causing symptoms. However, chlamydia can lead to serious complications over time, including pelvic infections, infertility and an increased risk of pregnancy complications. It is therefore important to seek medical help and treatment as soon as possible if you suspect a chlamydia infection.

How widespread is chlamydia?

In Norway, chlamydia is a relatively common sexually transmitted infection. The number of cases of chlamydia has been increasing in recent years, and several thousand cases are registered annually. The incidence of chlamydia can vary depending on the region and population, but in general it is a significant health challenge that requires attention and preventive measures. Regular testing is recommended for sexually active people to detect and treat the infection early.


Andersen K.E., Lomholt H.Bb, Thestrup-Pedersen K., Wulf H.C. (2018), Seksuelt overførbare sykdommer (venera) i Klinisk dermatologi og venerologi, Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, s 207-209.
eMetodebok for seksuell helse (2020), Klamydia, (online), tilgjengelig fra:, hentet den 28.05.2020.
Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok, (2019), Klamydiainfeksjon hos kvinner, (online), tilgjengelig fra:, hentet den 28.05.2020.
Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok, (2019), Klamydiainfeksjon hos menn, (online), tilgjengelig fra: (hentet den 28.05.2020)