Children's eczema

Babies often get rashes, especially during the first weeks of life. This can be experienced as scary for the parents but is usually temporary and harmless. We have collected here some of the most common forms of childhood eczema.

It can be confusing for many parents to know what can and should be treated and what cannot. Consultation and possible treatment of children's eczema are done at all our dermatologist clinics. Often the dermatologist can also map and provide treatment via video or now also through a photo consultation.

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Marbling of skin

Marbling the skin is not really a rash, but volatile changes in the skin's blood vessels due to the thin veins reacting to the cold. This usually occurs within weeks to months, but in some cases one sees tendencies towards marbling right up to early toddlerhood.

Harlequin color change

With Harlequin colour change, you see a sudden change in the skin colour of one-half of the infant's body. This phenomenon can look quite dramatic but is completely harmless. Occurs in about 10% of children and resolves within a few weeks.

Red and small dotted rash

Erythema neonatorum is easily translated to redness in the newborn. More than half of all babies get such a rash during the first day of life, especially in term births. The cause is currently unknown, but does not imply underlying disease. The rash usually disappears during the week and often occurs once or twice in the following weeks.


Yes, babies can get pimples and we see it in around 20%. They are seen as small, white comedones, most often on the forehead, nose and cheeks. The pimples are usually the result of a normal hormonal reaction in the sebaceous glands. The general advice is to let the rash go away on its own and that it should be consulted with a healthcare professional before any treatment.


Milia are white or yellow flat bumps on the skin that often occur on the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Environments are found in almost half of all newborns and usually pass within a few months. Milia is due to the fact that the substance keratin does not escape from the skin. Avoid squeezing the dots. This is completely harmless and requires no treatment.


Usually called heat rash. Caused by immature sweat glands that have not opened yet, which results in the sweat not escaping. Seen in 40% of newborns, and appears during the first month. The rash varies in appearance and can sometimes be seen as blisters. This may look awful, but is harmless and goes away on its own. Measures in the meantime can be to cool down the baby's surroundings a bit, eg undress them or try a little cooler bath water.


Also called cradle cap, and is a greasy and scaly rash mainly localized to the head, but also elsewhere on the body. The scales are dandruff. The condition does not itch, and usually disappears gradually during the first year. No treatment is needed.

See how Dr. Dropin can help you

At Dr.Dropin you can come to experienced dermatologists who can diagnose and treat all skin disorders. Dr.Dropin is committed to offering good skin services at a fixed and predictable price, and with a short waiting time.

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Are you experiencing skin problems but unsure of what it is?

Dr.Dropin can also assist through video or photo consultation.

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