Psykolog for deg i Engerdal, Os og Roros kommune

Life has its ups and downs, and the threshold can be high to talk about it. Therefore, Gjensidige and Dr.Dropin will offer 25 minutes of conversations about everyday challenges with a psychologist.

The service is open every day with a short waiting time. As a customer of Gjensidige *, you and everyone in your household have free use. (* requires qualifying products.)

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Get to know our therapist

Vi vet hvor viktig det er med riktig kjemi for å få god uttelling av samtalen. Vi har tatt en prat med våre psykologer slik at du kan bli bedre kjent med dem. Vi håper dette gjør det lettere å finne en psykolog som passer nettopp deg.

Møt psykologene våre!

Psykologene for deg i 16-18 årsalderen!Møt psykologene våre!
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Våre psykologer kan hjelpe med et bredt spekter av psykiske vansker.

Under finner du noen eksempler (listen er ikke uttømmende):

✓ depresjon

✓ angst

✓ stress og PTSD

✓ ensomhet

✓ spiseforstyrrelser

✓ psykisk belastning i forbindelse med fysisk sykdom

✓ søvnforstyrrelser

Proceed like this

  • 1. Download the Dr.Dropin app
  • 2. Click on «Insurance and discount code»
  • 3. Log in with BankID
  • 4. Add appointment
  • 5. Click on «Nordea»
  • 7. Then the discount code is entered and you can now book an appointment
  • 8. Go back to the first picture and click on Allmennlege/ general practitioner or psykolog/ psychologist
  • 10. When you need to confirm the booking you will see that your class is free
  • 11. Confirm orders
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How to proceed

Download the app

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Book appointment

The psychologist will call you when the appointment starts. You will receive a reminder via SMS. Keep the Dr.Dropin app open

The psychologist can call you

The psychologist will call you when the appointments starts. You will receive a reminder via SMS. Keep the Dr.Dropin app open and turn off focus mode on your mobile.