Intrauterine device

Intrauterine device - types, insertion, control and how we can help you

It is our gynecologists who perform spiral insertion at Dr.Dropin. The IUD, which is made of soft plastic, is inserted into the uterus via the cervix using ultrasound. The insertion can cause pain or discomfort, and is often described as severe menstrual pain. Some people get dizzy and unwell, but it is a harmless reaction.

We have the most common hormone and copper IUD in stock in the clinics, but if you wish you can bring your own.

It is recommended to check for sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia before getting a IUD. It is also important to rule out pregnancy.

Intrauterine device 295,–Book appointment Gynecologist

Hormone and Copper IUD

There are 2 different types of IUD: Hormone and Copper.

  • A hormonal IUD contains the hormone progestin and has a high safety against pregnancy.
  • A copper IUD is without hormones, but has a thin layer of copper and also protects against pregnancy.

Neither the hormonal IUD nor the copper IUD increases the risk of blood clots and cardiovascular disease and can be used by the vast majority of women. With a hormonal IUD, the bleeding pattern will often change: many people lose the bleeding completely, while others get regular or irregular bleeding.

There are four types of hormonal IUD on the market; Mirena lasts for 8 years, Levosert for 6 years, Kyleena for 5 years and Jaydess for 3 years. They contain different amounts of hormones, and have slightly different sizes. The copper coil is hormone-free and lasts for 5 years. If you are unsure which type of spiral to choose, our gynecologists can help you find the best option for you and your body.

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Before insertion
To avoid pain, it is recommended to take painkillers about 1 hour before IUD: 2x 500 mg (1 g) tablets of Paracet and 1 tablet of 400 mg Ibux. In the days after IUD insertion, it is normal to have bleeding and menstrual cramps. Paracetamol and Ibux can be used and used after the recommended dosage on the pack.

After insertion
To avoid infection in the uterus, it is recommended not to insert anything into the vagina for the first 7 days after insertion of the IUD (do not have intercourse, use a tampon, bathe). If you experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, persistent or increasing bleeding and pain, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible.

A check is recommended that the IUD is in place after 1-2 months and does not tend to be a painful examination. If you want a IUD removed, both gynecologists and general practitioners at Dr.Dropin can help with that.

Copper IUD as contraception after unprotected intercourse

Copper IUD the safest method for emergency contraception and to prevent pregnancy after intercourse without contraception has taken place. The copper IUD can be inserted for up to 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected intercourse. The copper IUD must then be inserted for 7 days before it is removed. The same copper IUD can also be kept as contraception for up to 5 years.

Do you want to start or change contraception?

During the consultation, you will receive information and guidance so that you can start or switch to the contraception that is right for you and your life situation. If you are already on an IUD, you can also renew contraception through a self-service prescription.

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Author: GP Anne Marte Ladim
Last updated: 31.05.2023